Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Plot Discourse (In chronological order)

         This will guide me to producing my short film, My plot discourse (in chronological order).
  • Action - Jonathan encounters a deranged citizen, to which the citizen attacks innoccent man. The innoccent man runs as far as possible, but trips and falls to the ground, while the deluded citizen attacks Jonathan.                                                                                                                       Jonathan attacks the deluded citizen, trying to subdue his him. The deluded citizen falls to the ground suddenly, and Jonathan asks why he was attacked, and after finishes his opponent with a final crushing blow.                                  

  • Dialogue -                                                                                                                         
Jonathan - (Narrating) Earth. 2013.A.D. Our universe, the Cosmos. At least, my universe. I'm sending this message through sonar transceivers and those sonar transceivers are communicating via satellite, and those satellites are being transported far across the universe into the nearest black hole, which was later discovered in my reality; as a portal to another dimension. Namely: your universe. But that's another tale.
Every universe right this instant is in dire threat of destruction, because of my universe. I'll name mine Uni. 1, and yours Uni 2. Uni 1 had constructed super computers that would quickly respond to medical situations for those with body augmentations. The body augmentations which I speak of are modified prosthetics for people with discarded limbs, or even neural hardware for uses of specific tasks such as; piloting helicopters or learning the forgotten Latin language in seconds. These (so called) super computers are funded by the largest sciencing organisations in the world. These organisations monitor everyone's movements through their own security methods. The augmentations people receive are used as trackers to monitor your steps and watch your behaviour. At first, people thought it was an invasion of privacy, but now they believe the links to the decrease in crime worldwide, is exactly this. You no longer get the choice of being human in this world, it's taken from you from birth. And right now, Uni 1's technology is beyond Uni 2's, by the slightest advancement.                                                                                                                                               First of all, what you need to know about me is that I'm part of a certain group that excludes itself from these organisations. This group's aim is to remain pure human, and live life as common humans. We hide, we fight, and we live. Za Furi. That's what we call ourselves. It translates from Japanese as "The Free". Japan is where it started, it's only right we keep it. My name is Jonathan Stanston. And I'm part of Za Furi.
Right now, and to the least of my knowledge, I'm the last survivor of Earth in Universe 1, and I'm seeking your help across this impossible gap.
Before I tell you any more, you should know that I now have augmentations integrated into my body... It wasn't my choice. Right now you should be seeing my memory history. This log, shows where I first encountered the hacks. Watch it, and you'll see.
December 21st, 2012.
United Kingdom
Jonathan - Excuse me? Are you okay? 
(narrating) Let me make this clear, this was before my augmentation. Way before.
Drone - (screaming) HELP!
Jonathan - ...Sir?
(narrating) There and then he died right before me. I didn't know at the time, because... That wasn't him standing. There's no way to explain, so I'll just show you.
Drone - (screams) 
Jonathan - (narrating) He  began pursuing me. Eyes targeted on me. So I ran, as useless as I could be. The only way I could stop him from killing me was, knocking him unconscious. Which sounded easy at the time.
Jonathan - What the Hell do you want with me!?
(narrating) I turned around and fought, otherwise, it just wasn't going to stop. And after I put in all my might... He collapsed, not dead, just.. collapsed.
Drone: (whispers) Humans...
Jonathan - Humans?.. What are you?
Drone - Death...
Jonathan - Why are you trying to kill me?
Drone - All humans... have to die...
Jonathan - (narrating) I had no idea what was happening. This guy wasn't moving like a human, so something must be seriously wrong. I knew by then that I had to prevent all this from happening. What was predicted as the end of the world, was not for your world. And now I'll keep on fighting. Of course I will.

  • Most sound effects will be realistic, with minor exceptions on the person's head gear, and while in action briefly.

  • Shot types will consist of;
- Wide angle
- Close-up
- Medium Close-up
- Canted
- Cross-cut
- Over-the-shoulder
- First-person (P.O.V)
- Tracking

  • Locations
The main location for the action sequence will consist of the outskirts of a town, most likely; Norwich. The location will come into better detail for staying away from public locations, from higher security.
If by imagining this type of environment:

Though the city doesn't have to be shown itself, It will give the impression of a vibrant metropolis within the film, near the filming location. Or I could utilize shots of a city from my proposed parrallel universe theory and show how they're different by describing in narration.

Next steps for advancing into producing my short film will be to reproduce a new and much more suitable storyboard, and then convert it into an animatic.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

My Target Audience profile

My target audience will be aged through 12-30 years old; a typical year lapse for young adults, the film will consist of minor swearing and low core violence. They will range from lower class to lower-middle class, as the characters and audience will match. Ethnicity is of no concern. Religion is of no concern, though they may be intrigued in the new found religion set within the film only. They will consist of school level education, with minor A-level standards. And the majority of the gender will consist almost entirely on males (this reason is for the major male interest into sci-fi/action genres). I may minor show minor product placement without knowledge, as this is an amateur video, I plan to wear clothes that aren't made for me especially, and without labels. This is my projected target audience:

My film will also include interest form those who enjoy Post-Modern performances, which will mess with the genre, and will communicate feelings of joy or anger to the audience. Post-Modernism is tricky, but if used well, can be massively affective. An example of a successful Post-Modern film would be Blade Runner (starring Harrison Ford). Blade Runner revolutionised the film industry with the horrors of technology and the glossy makeovers of original films that could be modernised for the next generation.
(Demographics: categorising the audience)

The film Looper is another film which I enjoyed with some Post-Modern concepts; here is a still image from the film:
This still image presents the exact bleakness of an action/sci-fi film, that I would like to create. You can see the actor striding out of a traditional house, clutching a revolver and a futuristic Blunderbuss-presumably to kill another hostile/victim. You may also be able to see the facial prosthetics upon the actors facial structure, as he is forced to look identical to the action hero: Bruce Willis.

My Director idealists would be: Rian Johnson (Looper), Ridley Scott (Alien, Blade Runner), and George Lucas (Star Wars, Indiana Jones).

Film: How should my audience respond

How should my audience respond (In keywords) :
  • Amazed
  • Understanding
  • Make their own ending conclusions
  • Know the genre automatically
  • Hypnotised
  • Feel tension
  • Wary of technology in the future
  • Visually stunned
  • Feel better (about the world they live in)
  • Feel like they just came from a rollercoaster ride
What I feel will be my audience's reaction (From a visually entrancing piece of film, with narratvie that will access your deepest imaginations).

Summary of my Plot Narrative (version 1): In a world that is aware of parallel universes, it fails to remain stable with its advancement in technology, that's slightly ahead of our own. A man named Jonathan Standon, is part of a new cult that remains pure of body augmentations. These augmentations all have the capabilities to connect to advanced super computers worldwide. As he tries to live, his now, dangerous life, he encounters something so unthinkable, it threatens his life, and the lives of billions of others.
Possible quote: Computers live, life shuts down.

  • Very imaginative
  • Not a plot summary, reads like an advertisement
  • Does not tell anyone the beginning, middle, and an end
  • It doesn't work as a plot summary
  • Conclusion needed

Summary of my Plot Narrative (version 2): Jonathan Standon, a young adult, and a rebel of his time, struggles to live in a world that has advancement in bio-technology, which enhances all sentient life. He doesn't have any implants, as is told from the restricitons of his religion. Jonathan lives in Norwich, United Kingdom, as he believes it is a slow paced town, with less technological advancement, which provides a natural safe haven. However, Jonathan encounters something unthinkable in his path, that has the power to destroy all life, across the universe, and the next infinite universes.

Both my inspirations and other products what my film will be similar to are of: cyberpunk, Neo-world films, books and games.
  • Deus Ex Human Revolution is biggest inspiration for my film. Based on a popular videogame. Deus Ex places a character named Adam as a security specialist of a global organisation which supplies the disfigured with augmentations. And as there are now prosphetics to improve people's lifestyles, they also change the people, by allowing them to be stronger, move faster, and even land 1000 foot drops from the sky, unharmed.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vK4k_Ieh8Wg - A preview trailer of the game, and how I aim for my film to be similar to.
  • Blade Runner is one of the most talked about Sci-Fi film's to date. Also the Director Ridley Scott, whom is repeatedly mentnoned when describing the genre and is one of the most praised movie makers of our time. Set in the year 2019, retired police officer Rick begins hunting a replicant of a human, whom is now attempting to lengthen his existence.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9F0bwZXdeY - A trailer presenting the film, remastered for DVD release with high definition.

  • Next is a book that teels the story of bio-engineering, and greedy corporations who attempt to gain control over everything. A character named Frank Burnet has a form of leukemia and recieved treatment from a Doctor, whom of which performed new surgery techniques on his patient. Afterwards, he sues the university for misuse of his cells. And the battle of corporations commences.
If my audiences enjoy all of these products, or at least some of these. They would most likely enjoy my short film, as it follows similar guidelines of these concepts.

Monday, 8 October 2012

Drivers/Barriers of films

This is for myself to recognise what my audiences may enjoy or dislike before the initial presentation of my short film project.

Drivers: Drivers for the film industry may depend on big-budget Hollywood actors/actresses, directors, producers. What may also enforce the audiences to watch the film, may be an adaptation of a book or a remake of a classic film.
Some of My Drivers: Actors:

  • Edward Norton
  • Morgan Freeman
  • Will Smith      
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger 
  • Patrick Stewart
  • Will Ferrel
  • Scarlett Johansson 
  • Megan Fox


  • Christopher Nolan
  • David Fincher
  • Ridley Scott
  • The Wachowski Brothers
  • Guy Ritchie 
  • Matthew Vaughn

All these Drivers immediately pull me to watch the film as soon as possible, whether it would be solving a mind boggling narrative structure or just simple eye candy.

Barriers: Barriers for the film industry may include some cast of a film that you've never heard of before, or whom you dislike, or continuous strings of sequels and similar films made by the same people.
Some of My Barriers: Actors:

  • Steven Seagal
  • Nicholas Cage
  • Charlton Heston

  • Michael Bay
  • Tyler Perry
  • Paul W.S. Anderson
Though some of these Barriers put me off seeing films that include them in some way, It won't stop me completely if there's an ensemble of drivers and barriers together, or even genres and filming styles. The barriers (I find) are hard for people to neglect, especially when so many films are conceived nearly every week.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

What does film do for me?

I am an impressionable socialite, and a fun lover, who likes to experience new (post-modern), and to enjoy every minute possible when watching a new film.

When watching an advert, I get influenced to experience the same film as shown on television within a 30 second summary. I will feel inclined to see the performances and the affect that the film will have on me as an individual, or me as a European, or me as an Earthling, or whatever the film will tell me what I am. I can be easily bought into the values that the film will drive across, but not if I notice loss of continuity, or some element of the film (usually a movie mistake) that will confuse me, and annoy me until I hate the film altogether.

Films such as; Fight Club, and Memento (or films made by Christopher Nolan and David Linch), that involve mind puzzles throughout a strange narrative structure will entertain me while I enjoy figuring out every piece of the story, and watching a new film entirely. Films that boggles the mind interest me especially, with interest and globalization of people conversing their theories together or against each other.

Films that play with animation, Slow motion, and bundles of filming techniques that have realistic appearances will make me feel astonished with the films over and over, that will force me to continue talking about them until the end of my days.

Actors/ Directors that interest me will definitely end with me paying the industry possibly more than once to see my favored people on the big screen. As a film enthusiast, I also have a sub-conscious feeling of collecting bundles of films and posters, and games, etc...

Audience Theory

Analyzing types of audiences will help me choose an appropriate audience for my short film project.
Demographic: Categorizing                                              
Audiences :

  • Age
  • Class
  • Ethnicity
  • Religion
  • Earnings
  • Education
  • Gender                                       
A - 100K earnings
B - 50/60K earnings
(B, C1, C2) - Graduates, 35K earnings + Employment (Doctors, Teachers, etc...)
(C2, D) - (Training for jobs) School level education (Plumbers, Journalist)
E - (Not in education, or employment) Low wealth

System - Benefits of the Industry
Product Placement
Marketing + Promotion
Focus Groups
Creating a Target
These elements of the industry can help provide benefits for certain groups and promotions of those groups will increase the values received.

There are 3 types of groups for target audiences in todays society, those being:

  • Traditionalist (Who want to see the same things every time, with minimal changes).
  • Post-Modern (New technologies and methods, experimenting with varieties of film).
  • Hedonist (Both Post-Modern + Traditionalist. Risk takers. New. Innovative. Random).